Paying for college is one of the biggest purchases a family will make in its lifetime. This website is your first stop as you identify potential resources to help you fund a Penn State education.
The enrollment management team is on the move!
The Perkins Student Center is being renovated this summer, and the enrollment management team — admissions and financial aid — will be relocated to the Franco Building. During the move, most of the team will be working remotely. Until the team's new home is ready, one team member will be in the Thun Library from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Walk-ins are welcome, but we strongly recommend you schedule an appointment (in person or via Zoom) to make sure we can best serve you.
- To schedule an appointment with admissions, call 610-396-6060 or email
- To schedule an appoint with financial aid, call 610-396-6070 or email
Campus tours currently paused
Campus tours are currently paused while the University is on winter break. Tours will resume on Thursday, January 23, 2025, when our Lion Ambassadors (student tour guides) are back on campus for the spring semester.